Blog Archive

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Floral greetings cards.

I have two new floral greetings cards. These arrived from the printers yesterday and I have been doing the worlds most boring job since.....that is adding an envelope to each one, and then a cellophane, and then a sticker for the back, saying this card is blank inside for your own personal message!!  Phew, I only have 250 to do!!

Anyway, back to the actual cards. The design for these was actually done years ago. I put them in to Photoshop, brightened the colours a tiny bit, and put them on to a bright border, that matched a key element in the design.

Here are the cards....

The paintings were done in watercolour, gouache and chromacolour. They were built up in many layers, as the plants would grow in a garden. I started with the background flowers, and a few main foreground ones. I then just added a tangled mass of other flowers, leaves and stems until it looked filled up....and really busy!  It is more stylised than realistic, and I doubt it is very botanically accurate. I could never do true botanical work, as I like to use a fair bit of artistic licence to get the look I want.

The outlines were done using a really fine Rotring pen. I can't remember the size, but it was an incredibly fine tip.

Here are the individual cards, so you can see the style and the detail.

This one I have called Wildflower garden. The one below is Blue garden.

I have done 4 card designs in this style. I am not so keen on the other two. I  probably need to rework them a bit, and then see if they are worth getting printed.

What do you think?  Comments are always appreciated!!!

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