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Thursday 29 December 2011

Old painting inspires new painting

One thing I always love painting is flowers. I am starting to specialize in my own style of botanical art work. 

I had a look through some of my old paintings. and found some examples of ideas I had re-worked. I love to paint flowers with an open structure, so things like lilies and irises feature a lot in my work. I also try and grow a good variety of these in my garden.

Here is a painting I did about 15 years ago.

This is painted very much "as it grows". I have observed directly from life. I have hardly changed colours, or any details. This painting was done in watercolour and gouache, with pencil crayon and an outlining black pen used for detailing.

The next painting was done recently.

This one is virtually the same in terms of composition. However, I have given it a completely different look.

I have worked in acrylic and chromacolour ( my usual paints! ) and treated the painting as a series of interlocking shapes. I have outlined all the shapes with fairly solid white paint. I like the way this makes it pattern-like, and not just about the  flowers. It has another dimension.

I have used colour in a subjective way, rather than the naturalistic way I did in the first painting. This has been painted in layered blobs of paint, with light and dark areas done for contrast, and to highlight shapes. The colour palette is very limited to tie all areas of the design together. The negative shapes of the background are of equal value to the plants in the overall design.

 Some close ups .......

I do prefer the second painting. I look at the first one now as a study, and starting point, rather than a finished piece.

I have this  one printed as a greeting card. 

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