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Friday 30 December 2011

Some of my favourite paintings

It would be absolutely impossible for me to have an all time favourite painting. I have been asked this many times, but have never been able to really answer it. 
I will always love the Impressionists and Post Impressionists. Monet, Pissaro, Sisley, Cezanne, Renoir,Van Gogh..... to name but a few.

I also really admire Klimt, especially his landscapes, Kandinsky,  the Fauves especially Derain, Georgia  O'Keefe, the architect Gaudi and Australian aboriginal art.

I love the recent work by David Hockney, and am looking forward to seeing his exhibition in London in February. I am also inspired by much of the work done by Rolf Harris, especially his Australian landscapes.

There are also masses of contemporary artists, that most people have never heard of, that I truly admire. I often spend hours on the internet  looking at artists, to be amazed at the amount of talent out there. Most of these people will never be a household name, or probably sell many paintings, but they have skill and vision that should be seen. I will probably devote a few blog posts to some of the "great unknown" that I find inspirational.

So here a few of my all time favourites by well known, famous artists, that everyone probably has heard of.

Derain    Mt. Collioure.        I love the bright, happy colours of this painting, The way the marks/lines go in lots of different directions, to create the surface. I love it's simplicity and it's instant impact.

Renoir      Landscape near Menton.         This one is all about the amazing brushwork. The soft gentle way Renoir has used the paint on this is stunning. The trees, and grasses, just swirl around the canvas. The light and shade is perfect for a clear sunny day.

Cezanne    Chateau du Medan.         This one I love for the balance of shapes and colours.  I like the simple composition, and the way the brushstrokes have been placed, in different directions, for each section of the composition.

Rolf Harris   Hammersely Red Rocks.      This is so full of colour and heat. It jumps off the canvas!  The composition of the rocks through the trees, just breaks the painting up into sections so well. It reminds me of a fantastic time I had visiting the outback a couple of years ago. This was probably one of the most scenic and inspiring places I have ever been to.

Georgia O'Keefe    Red Canna       This is another strongly coloured painting. It is a fantastic observation of shapes and light. The colour is so vibrant, and you are drawn in to the layers of it.

So, these are just a few from a very long, long list of my favourite paintings. Having just looked back at the ones I have posted on here I know there are many others I like just as much.  However, I do not want to make my blog posts too long, so this will do for today.... 

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