Blog Archive

Friday 23 December 2011

This time last year...Thailand

Last year we all abandoned Christmas, and went to Thailand for two and a half weeks. We did not buy any presents for each other, or for anyone left back in England. So no shopping, no decorating the house, no Christmas tree, no cooking, and no cold weather, The weather was really bad at this time last year, and Heathrow became snowed up, with no flights out for days. Luckily we escaped two days before the snow arrived, and just watched pictures of it on TV, from the warmth of our hotel in Bangkok !

After Bangkok, we explored Kanchanaburi and the River Kwai . Then down to Khao Sok, where we stayed in a treehouse. Amazing! 

We then went to Railay beach for Christmas. This is the beautiful place where we had Christmas last year. Ooh!  how I wish I was there now!

This year we are just at home, here in cold old England. 

I thought I would show you some beautiful, intricate carvings we saw in Thailand. These certainly are artycraftythings!!  I was so impressed with the skill of the wood carvers.They start off with a drawing, stuck on to the wood, and then just carve away at it, with a variety of tools. They get such depth, and such detail. I wish I had the skill and the patience to do something like this, even on a small scale. Some of the carvings we saw were really massive, and must have taken months to complete.

Sometimes the carving gets painted. I actually prefer the ones where they are left natural. The light and shadows from the carving seem to be enough to make the details stand out.

I probably will not post on here again for a couple of days so I would like to wish you all 

and thank everyone who has read my blog so far. I only started this recently, and am really delighted to have so many people looking in. Please continue, and leave a comment!

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