Blog Archive

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Greetings card. Parrots.

Here is another one of my greetings card designs. This reflects my love of tropical places and bright colours. This one is available to buy  at Artists Publishers, along with some of my other designs.

I painted this using Chromacolour and gouache, because of the strong bright colours I can achieve.
I never really use watercolours, although do love the look some artists achieve with them. I think my favourite watercolour artist is Shirley Trevena, because she uses colour in such a bright way, and layers up the paint, in a very untraditional way of using the medium. She also paints a lot of flowers, and that is my favourite thing to paint at the moment.
Another medium I never use is oil paint because I cannot stand the smell of it! Its the same with gloss paint, when decorating, which often makes me feel sick and headachy!
I do use acrylic for my larger paintings. I love to experiment with all the acrylic mediums.

I have not been able to paint in the last week or so, and I miss it so much. I have had a studio built on the side of the house. I am just waiting for the last few things to be done,... the flooring, desks and shelving. All my art stuff is in piles around the house, and there is nowhere I can really work at the moment. 
I will do some blogs about my studio fairly soon! It is going be amazing to have all my art, textiles and crafting stuff in one place. 

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