Blog Archive

Friday 23 November 2012

Ideas for craft fairs 2

I have been so busy recently.This is craft fair season!!  I have been doing about 3 or more a week. The time in between has been making things to sell, as well as all my usual art stuff.

I have been too busy to blog!!  Sorry, to those who follow this regularly.

I thought I would share with you some of the things I have had success with at my recent craft fairs. Obviously, if you read this post later, all  this Christmas stuff will seem irrelevant.

These are decorative Christmas tree packs. They come in 3 sizes. They are cut from plain or glitter foam. You can do this from a die, cut on a Sissix Bigshot. The large ones I bought ready made from eBay, in the summer when they were going at a very good price!!

 Each pack has tinsel ( pipe cleaner type) and a star for the top, plus loads of glittery shapes to stick on. These I cut from a selection of punches.  I  used mainly offcuts from other projects which I saved up. Most are glitter or shiny paper. The 2 smaller packs have ribbon attached to the top so they can be hung from a tree (or elsewhere! ). 

I also did a similar pack with 3D trees.   I haven't got around to taking my own photos of these, so I have just pinched a couple from eBay to show you what I mean.


These are ones that slot together to form the tree. These packs have all the same decorative goodies, plus a small glitter glue to paint the tree with before decorating,

The trees are packed in cellophane packs, with my "artycraftythings" label stuck on. I put a background of shiny red paper on the middle sized pack, just to see if people preferred it looking like that. I honestly don't think it makes any difference!

These have been my best seller recently. Infact I have already sold out of the small packs. They sell mostly parents looking for stocking fillers, or something for the kids to do between school ending and Christmas day. I have also sold loads to grandparents looking for cheaper gifts, especially those with loads of grandkids.

Another good seller has been the decorative boxes. At the moment these are Christmas themed, but you could adapt this idea for other times of the year,

I bought masses of papier mache small boxes. Some are plain brown ones , and some are the coloured ones ( as shown in the photo ).  I decorated a selection with shiny papers, paints, glitter and stuck on shiny blingy gems etc.

I packaged them up into cellophane bags. Each has one ready done box,sometimes a half done box too, and  3 plain ones  to do. Plus a good selection of coloured papers, glitter glue  and shiny gems to stick on. 

These have also sold to adults, but also quite a lot to kids looking for a project to do. I haven't sold any to boys yet...its seems to be a girly thing!!

Let me know what you think.....

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