Blog Archive

Friday 13 January 2012

My studio Part 1

I thought I would share with you the story of my studio.

When we moved in to our house the spare bedroom was my studio. However, this soon became the computer room or study, which everyone used. My art space was gone!

Over the past few years, I have worked in the conservatory, but my art materials have been stored all over the house, garage and garden sheds. In the summer I have worked on a table in the garden...but we all know how rubbish English summers are, so that does not count for much of the year!!  Also my textiles stuff has filled up the understairs cupboard and half the dining room.  I have dreamt for a long, long time of having one room for all my artycraftythings!  I get fed up having my stuff spread about everywhere.

So we decided to convert most of the garage into my studio. We would also extend the conservatory sideways, so there was plenty of light at the front of  the new room. It took ages to clear out all the junk in the garage though! We have never had room for a car in there!
 Here is the extension going up. Pepper is having a look around the empty garage, before the changes. The roof had to be raised up a bit.

The building continues....

Blocking off the end of the garage. We just have a store room at the front now.  Pepper and Cocoa inspecting progress!!

Linking up the extension with the conservatory, with a sliding door. Adding on the glass roof.

I now have a room!  But there is still plenty to do before I can use it. Plastering, decorating, flooring, desks, shelves etc. I will do My Studio part 2 of this as it becomes a usable space.

Has any body got any advice or tips for organising a studio?  Please let me know!

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