Blog Archive

Monday 16 January 2012

Photography .Reflections in buildings.

I have been really busy today  sorting out my new studio. I now have the floor done and some desks fitted in. The next job is the shelves. I have bookshelves in there,though, so have been getting all my art and craft books together. Phew! I never knew I had so many books! I am a bit of an addict when it comes to art and craft books. My Amazon wish list (books) is now about 7 pages long!!

So I haven't had time to do anything "artycrafty" new today, so I shall just carry on with the Photography theme, as I have folders full of pictures that  I can show you.  Here are some of my building reflection pics. This is a subject I am always drawn to. I find the way one building reflects another fascinating. I especially like the way bits get distorted and broken up.

These were taken in Auckland, New Zealand. I went out there at Easter 2010, to visit my youngest daughter, who was doing a gap year travelling around the world. I said wherever she was at Easter ( the school holidays) I would visit for 2 weeks. Of course, she had to be the furthest possible place in the world!  My holiday was actually extended by a week on the way back, due to the Icelandic volcano. I got halfway home, to Hong Kong, and could not go any further....but that is another story...!

So here are 3 reflective photos taken in Auckland.

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